Research Output List 1991-92

Department of Mathematics

  Journal articles, book chapters and other published papers

     Chan J.T., A note on compact weighted composition operators on Lp(m), Acta Sci. Math.. 1992, 56: 165-168. (Publication No. : 35082)

     Chan J.T., Operators on Banach algebra valued function spaces, Tamkang J. Math.. 1992, 23: 233-238. (Publication No. : 35081)

     Cheung W.S. and Wong B., An integral inequality of an intrinsic measure on bounded domains in \Bbb Cn, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics. 1992, 22: 825-836. (Publication No. : 34615)

     Cheung W.S., Opial-type inequalities with m functions in n variables, Mathematika. 1992, 39: 319-326. (Publication No. : 34617)

     Choi S.K.K., Liu M.C. and Tsang K.M., Conditional bounds for small prime solutions of linear equations, Manuscripta Mathematica. 1992, 74: 321-340. (Publication No. : 34788)

     Choi S.K.K., Liu M.C. and Tsang K.M., Small prime solutions of linear equations II, Proceedings of the Amalfi Conference on Analytic Number Theory. Università di Salerno, 1992, 1-16. (Publication No. : 36264)

     Chu S.C.K. and Feiring B., A numerical comparison of pivot selection rules for the entering variable for the simplex method, Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 1992, 3, No.2: 39-41. (Publication No. : 35784)

     Chu S.C.K. and Boon-Long P., Design optimization of passively-cooled room, Journal of Energy Engineering. 1992, 118, No.1: 18-37. (Publication No. : 35781)

     Chu S.C.K., On the size of minimal triangular planar graphs, Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 1992, 3, No.1: 19-21. (Publication No. : 35562)

     Siu M.K., History of mathematics and mathematics education: A personal experience and reflection, Mathmedia. 1992, 16 (3): 23-29. (Publication No. : 37090)

     Siu M.K., Mathematics = Proofs?, Mathmedia. 1992, 16 (4): 50-58. (Publication No. : 37081)

     Siu M.K., Reflection on the International Mathematical Olympiad, Global Views Monthly. 1992, 74: 143. (Publication No. : 37084)

     Siu M.K. and Siu F.K., Why is (-) x (-) = (+)?, Curriculum Forum. 1992, 2 issue 2: 47-51. (Publication No. : 37085)

     Tsang K.M., Higher-power moments of D(x), E(t) and P(x), Proc. London Math. Soc.. 1992, (3) 65: 65-84. (Publication No. : 36028)

  Conference and working papers

     Chu S.C.K. and Ng K.P., A mathematical model for production planning with a central warehouse, Proceedings of the Second Conference of the Operational Research Society of Hong Kong. 1992, 172-180. (Publication No. : 34906)

     Chu S.C.K. and Lin C.K.Y., Manpower allocation problem: an approach of mathematical programming with variable coefficients, Proceedings of the Second Conference of the Asian-Pacific Operational Research Societies (APORS '91). Beijing, China, 1991, 173-180. (Publication No. : 35754)

     Chu S.C.K., Product storage problem: a multi-period optimization approach, Proceedings of the International Conference on Optimization: Techniques and Applications (ICOTA '92). Singapore, 1992, 2: 1049-1058. (Publication No. : 35552)

     Ho M.P.P., Chu S.C.K. and Wong Y.L., Simulation modelling for the operation of a comprehensive clinic, Proceedings of the Second Conference of the Operational Research Society of Hong Kong. Hong Kong, 1992, 130-140. (Publication No. : 35760)

  Editorships and high-level service external to HKU

     Cheung W.S., Chern - A Great Geometer of the Twentieth Century. 1992, 319 pages. (Publication No. : 34609)

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