Research Output List 1994-95

Department of Mathematics

  Scholarly books and monographs

     Siu M.K., Retrospect and Outlook on Mathematics Education: on the Occasion of the Retirement of Dr. Leung Kam Tim. The University of Hong Kong Press, 1995. (Publication No. : 2049)

  Journal articles, book chapters and other published papers

     Chan K.Y., Five Decades as a Mathematician and Educator, edited by K.Y. Chan and M.C. Liu. World Scientific, 1995. (Publication No. : 35712)

     Chan R.H.F., Jin X. and Ng K.P., Circulant integral operators as preconditioners for Wiener-Hopf equations, Integral Equations and Operator Theory. 1995, 21: 12-23. (Publication No. : 34697)

     Chan W.L. and Yung S.P., Error estimate for optimality of distributed parameter control problems via duality, Journal of Applied Mathematics & Stochastic Analysis. 1995, 8: 177-188. (Publication No. : 5038)

     Cheung W.S., On integral inequalities of the Sobolev type, Aequationes Mathematicae. 1995, Berlin, Birkh„user Verlag, 49: 153-159. (Publication No. : 6571)

     Chu S.C.K., A discrete optimization approach for redistribution model, In: Su Y. (ed.), Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Discrete Mathematics and Algorithms. 1994, Guangzhou, Jinan University Press: 127-133. (Publication No. : 6579)

     Chu S.C.K. and Tang B.K.P., An optimization modeling for customer redistribution and its spreadsheet implementation, Computers and Operations Research. 1995, 22: 335-343. (Publication No. : 6580)

     Lau Y.K. and Tsang K.M., Mean square of the remainder term in the Dirichlet divisor problem, Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux. 1995, 7: 75-92. (Publication No. : 36034)

     Lau Y.L., Leung M.C. and Liu M.C., On ternary equations in square-free and prime variables, Five Decades as a Mathematician and Educator - On the 80th Birthday of Professor Yung-Chow Wong. Singapore, World Scientific, 1995, 187-228. (Publication No. : 15633)

     Ng M.K.P. and Chu S.C.K., Heuristic algorithm for printed circuit board assembly problem, In: Fushimi M. and Tone K. (eds.), Proceedings of the Third Conference of the Association of Asian-Pacific Operational Research Societies (APORS) within IFORS. 1994, Fukuoka, World Scientific Publishing: 349-356. (Publication No. : 6576)

     Siu M.K., Less is more: Undergraduate mathematics teaching in general education, Retrospect and Outlook on Mathematics Education in Hong Kong: On the Occasion of the Retirement of Dr. Leung Kam Tim. 1995. (Publication No. : 34512)

     Siu M.K., Mathematics education in ancient China: What lesson do we learn from it?, Historia Scientiarum. 1995, 4(3): 223-232. (Publication No. : 2044)

     Siu M.K., My view on Mathematics for all, Mathematics Education in China for the 21st Century: Discourse on Mathematics Education of Mathematicians. 1994, Nanjing, Jiangsu Educational Press: 256-265. (Publication No. : 2039)

     Siu M.K., Some reflections of a coordinator on the International Mathematical Olympiad, Mathematics Competitions. 1995, 8(1): 73-77. (Publication No. : 2038)

     Tsing N.K., Fan M.K.H. and Verriest E.I., On analyticity of functions involving eigenvalues, Linear Algebra and Its Application. 1994, New York, Elsevier Science Inc., 207: 159-180. (Publication No. : 6570)

     Yu J., A product for minimal polynomials, Proceedings of the AMS. 1995, 123: 343-349. (Publication No. : 36750)

  Conference and working papers

     Cheung W.S., On Poincaré type integral inequalities, Proceedings of the 5th International Colloquium on Differential Equations. 1995, 1: 67-73. (Publication No. : 6572)

     Chu S.C.K., Ho M.P.P. and Lee K.K.Y., An application of cluster analysis in health centre segmentation, Proceedings of the Fourth Conference of the Operational Research Society of Hong Kong. 1994, 7-16. (Publication No. : 6577)

     Lee C.H. and Yung S.P., Optimality conditions and duality for nonlinear time-delay control problem, Research Report of HKU Mathematics Department. 1995, 12pp. (Publication No. : 5044)

     Ng K.P. and Chu S.C.K., Heuristics algorithm for printed circuit board assembly problem, Proceedings of the 3rd Conference of the Association of Asian-Pacific Operational Research Societies. 1995, 349-356. (Publication No. : 34983)

     Ng M.K.P. and Chu S.C.K., Printed circuit board insertion problem with multiple reels, Proceedings of the Fourth Conference of the Operational Research Society of Hong Kong. 1994, 223-232. (Publication No. : 6578)

     Siu M.K., Contribution of Xu Guang-qi to mathematics against the background of traditional Chinese mathematics in the Ming period, International Conference on Xu Guang-qi (1562-1633): Chinese Scholar and Statesman, Fondation Hugot du College de France, Paris, March 20-23, 1995. 24pp. (Publication No. : 2042)

     Siu M.K., Development of the concept of function and its teaching: what's in a name?, Workshop on the Relation Between the History and Pedagogy of Mathematics, Taiwan Normal University, July 18-20, 1994. (Publication No. : 2035)

     Siu M.K., Similar figures and the theory of proportion: easy or difficult?, Workshop on the Relation Between the History and Pedagogy of Mathematics, Taiwan Normal University, July 18-20, 1994. (Publication No. : 2034)

     Tsang K.M., Mean square formula for the remainder term in the Dirichlet divisor problem, International Congress of Mathematicians, Zürich, Switzerland, August 3-11, 1994. (Publication No. : 5066)

     Tsang K.M., Mean values of the Riemann zeta-function on the critical line, International Conference on Analytic Number Theory, Illinois, USA, May 16-20, 1995. (Publication No. : 5071)

     Tsang K.M., The remainder term in the Dirichlet divisor problem, Conference on Analytic Number Theory, Kyoto, Japan, October 3-7, 1994. (Publication No. : 5068)

     Tsing N.K., Inclusion relations on eigenvalues of principal submatrices, Second Workshop on Numberical Ranges and Numerical Radii, Coimbra, Portugal, August 8 - 21, 1994. (Publication No. : 6569)

     Tsing N.K., Norm-hulls of matrices, Ninth Haifa Matrix Theory Conference, Haifa, Israel, May 29 - June 1, 1995. (Publication No. : 6566)

     Tsing N.K., Numerical ranges on indefinite inner product spaces, Second International Summer School on Linear Algebra and Applications, Guangzhou, August 29 - September 2, 1995. 1994. (Publication No. : 6567)

     Wong P.P.W., Rings of constants for derivations of polynomial rings and the Jacobian problem in two-dimension, 1994, 10pp. (Publication No. : 6582)

     Wong P.P.W., Some elementary remarks on the two-dimensional Jacobian conjecture, 1994, 9pp. (Publication No. : 6583)

     Wong P.P.W., Some remarks on the Jacobian conjecture in two variables, including notes on a special case where the conjecture is known to be true, 1994, 59pp. (Publication No. : 6584)

  Reviews, translations and other written outputs

     Cheung W.S., Lie-Cartan-Ehresmann theory, Mathematical Reviews. USA, American Math. Soc., 1995, 95F: 95F/58006. (Publication No. : 6575)

     Cheung W.S., On the minimizers of certain singular convex functionals, Mathematical Reviews. USA, American Math. Soc., 1994, 94F: 94F/49003. (Publication No. : 6574)

  Editorships and high-level service external to HKU

     Chan K.Y., Member, RGC Science Panel (1994-1999). 1994. (Publication No. : 6585)

  All other outputs

     Lee C.H. and Yung S.P., Sufficient conditions for optimal control problems with time-delay, Research Report of HKU Mathematics Department. 1994, 21pp. (Publication No. : 5039)

     Levan N., Vu Q.P. and Yung S.P., Almost periodic semigroups and stabilization via the algebraic Riccati equation, Research Report of HKU Mathematics Department. 1995, 17pp. (Publication No. : 5041)

     Yung S.P., Differential game with switching controls on Hilbert space, Research Report of HKU Mathematics Department. 1995, 33pp. (Publication No. : 5043)

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