University of Hong Kong
Postgraduate Student
Number Theory Seminar

HKU Mathematics Department    

Graduate Students at HKU

Seminar Organizers:
    Dr. Ben Kane
    Dr. Yuk-Kam Lau
    Prof. Kai-Man Tsang




















These are the talks to be held during Second Semester 2018-2019. The time and venue for each talk will be given below. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Ben Kane via email at or Dr. Sudhir Pujahari via email at


Date/Time Location Speaker Advisor/Affiliation Title
Tues. 28 May, 2019/
Room 210 Dayoon Park Seoul National University Universal m-gonal forms
Wed. 5 May, 2019/
Room 210 Zilong He Ben Kane (HKU)
Tues. 23 July, 2019/
Room 210 Prof. Wen-Ching Winnie Li The Pennsylvania State University The Ramanujan conjecture: from theory to applications


Archived Previous Semesters

Seminars in Fall 2018
Seminars in Spring 2018
Seminars in Fall 2017
Seminars in Spring 2017
Seminars in Fall 2016
Seminars in Fall 2015
Seminars in Spring 2015