
June 21, 2001                                                                               Morning Session 
9:30 – 10:20am Lance Small, University of California at San Diego
Some new constructions of finitely generated algebras
10:30 – 11:20am Vladimir Shpilrain, City University of New York
Tea Break
11:40 – 12:30am V.N. Latyshev, Moscow State University
Recognizable properties of associative algebras
Lunch Break
Afternoon Session
2:30 – 3:20pm A.V. Mikhalev, Moscow State University
Algebraic K-theory and Lie superalgebras
Tea Break
3:40 – 4:30pm Efim I. Zelmanov, Yale University and The University of Hong Kong
On linearity problem for free pro-p groups
4:30pm Closing Remarks
Ngaiming Mok, Director
Institute of Mathematical Research, The University of Hong Kong