Professor M.K. Siu (蕭文強教授)
Articles related to the learning and teaching of mathematics, and history of mathematics:
Mathematical World (or Worlds?) in the Context of HPM (text of a plenary lecture at the HPM Satellite Meeting of the 14th ICME, July 2021)
(with N. Y. Wong)
What Did the “New Math Movement” Bring to Hong Kong in the 1960s and the 1970s (and Beyond)?
(abstract of the draft of a chapter of a book on the history of the “New Math Movement”, April, 2021.)
Maths for All
(sript of a short video made for the course "Mathematics: A Cultural Heritage", October 2020.)
Maths in School
(script of a 3-minute video prepared for the Education Bureau in August 2020.)
Forty-Five Years of HPM Activities: A Semi-Personal Reflection on What I Saw, What I Heard and What I Learnt
(preprint in August 2020.)
A Tribute to Dr K. T. Leung
(delivered on the occasion of A Celebration of Life for Dr Kam-Tim Leung on 25 August 2019.)
Sharing on Homecoming Day of the 80th Anniversary of the HKU Faculty of Science
(text of speech given on March 9, 2019.)
(with Fergus Lai)
√ 2
是無理數的一束證明 [A bundle of proofs on the irrationality of the square root of 2]
(preprint in February 2019, only abstract placed here; full version published in Edumath 41, December 2019.)
Equations in China: Two millennia of innovation, transmission and re-transmission
(preprint in November 2018.)
The Power and “Way” of Mathematics
(an introduction to a series of guest lectures given at the Chinese University of Hong Kong in November of 2018.)
Some reflections on the teaching and learning of calculus
(excerpt from a seminar talk in October of 2018.)
Some reflections on the study of mathematics
(preprint in September 2018.)
從「數獨」到「讀數」 [From Sudoku to the learning of mathematics]
(preprint in August 2018.)
(with Arthur M. S. Lee)
從一道競賽幾何題引發的群組討論 [An on-line group discussion about a geometric problem in a mathematics competition]
(preprint in February 2018.)
Let them speak; hear them speak: ─ old Chinese wisdom on mathematics education
(text of a presentation in the 5th International Conference on History of Mathematics Education, Utrecht, in September 2017.)
Balancing entertainment and learning in the popularization of mathematics? ── The Seven Light Bulbs Problem
(preprint in November 2016; published in Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, 8(1) (2018), 277-288.)
Does society need IMO Medalists?
(text of invited talk at the IMO Forum, July 2016, Hong Kong; published in Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, 7(1) (2017), 237-250.)
Screening of CHAOS
(introductory remarks made at the screening of the video CHAOS sponsored by the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macau, April 6, 2016.)
The Confluence of the Yellow River and The Mediterranean: Synthesis of European mathematics and Chinese mathematics during the seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
(preprint in February 2016; published in Proceedings of the 2016 ICME Satellite Meeting; edited by L. Radford et al, IREM de Montpellier, 2016, 581-592.)
Archimedes’ Measurement of a Circle and Liu Hui’s “Geyuan Shu (割圓術 circle dissecting method)” revisited
(Handout at a workshop conducted in the KSME International Conference on Mathematical Education, Seoul National University, November 2015.)
(with C.I. Fung)
Mathematics in Teaching and Teaching of Mathematics
(preprint in October 2015, a substantially expanded version of the text of an invited talk at AMC2005.)
Tongwen Suanzhi (同文算指) and transmission of bisuan (筆算 written calculation) in China: from an HPM (History and Pedagogy of Mathematics) viewpoint
(expanded text of a presentation given at the 23rd ICMI Study, June 2015; published in Journal for History of Mathematics, 28(6), December 2015, 311-320.)
Mathematik zum Anfassen
(speech given at the opening of the exhibition "Mathematik zum Anfassen" sponsored by the Goethe Institute of Hong Kong, May 2015.)
Study group in history of mathematics ── Some HPM activities in Hong Kong
(published in Education Sciences, Special Issue (2014), 56-68.)
How can we teach mathematics better?
(text of presentation in ICM Panel 2 on August 18, 2014; Chinese translation in 《數學傳播》[Mathmedia], 40(1) (2016), 81-86.)
A geometric problem on three circles in a triangle (the Malfatti Problem) — A thread through Japanese, European and Chinese mathematics
(presented in a workshop at ESU-7; published in History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education, Proceedings of the Seventh European Summer University, edited by E. Barbin, et al, Aarhus University Danish School of Education, 2015, pp. 637-649.)
與好友林建的一些合作掌故 [Some anecdotes on the collaboration with my good friend Lam Kin]
(presented on the occasion of Lam Kin's 70th Birthday Dinner, May 2015.)
On an esteemed teacher, colleague and friend, Dr. Doris Chen
(presentation at the Doris Chen Memorial Funds Tea Gathering on February 24, 2014.)
數學家的形象 [Image of a mathematician]
(a foreword for a book on mathematicians by LI Xueshu (LEE Sin-Min), January 2014.)
Looking at HPM (History and Pedagogy of Mathematics) through an old chestnut: Sum of the angles of a triangle
(preprint in November 2013; published in Journal of History of Mathematics, 21(1) (2013), 345-353 with an addendum in 27(1) (2014), 3.)
「知易行難」或「知難行易」─ 一個中國數學家對 HPM(數學史與數學教育)活動的觀察
(translation in Chinese of ["Zhi yi xing nan (knowing is easy and doing is difficult)" or vice versa? ─ A Chinese mathematician’s observation on HPM
(History and Pedagogy of Mathematics) activities], September 2013.)
(with K.W. Lih)
Transmission of probability theory into China (text of an invited presentation at the World Statistics Congress, Hong Kong, August 2013;
modified version published in Delicate Balance: Global Perspectives on Innovation and Tradition in the History of Mathematics: A Festschrift in Honor of
Joseph W. Dauben, edited by W.S. Horng and D.E. Rowe, Birkhäuser, 2015, 395-416.)
When "Mr. Ou (Euclid)" came to China ...
(text of invited lecture at the 6th International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians, Taipei, July 2013.)
當「歐先生」來到中國 ...
(translation of the text of invited lecture at the 6th International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians, Taipei, July 2013; published in 《數學傳播》[Mathmedia],
38(4) (2014), 24-41.)
A reading list for teachers interested in history of mathematics (Handout at a seminar for school teachers in April 2013.)
(with Y.C. Chan)
The Malfatti Problem in nineteenth-century China (preprint in October 2012; a slightly edited version published in the Historical Notes column of Mathematics Today, 49(5) (2013), 229-231.)
(announcement in Newsletter of the Hong Kong Association for Mathematics Education, October 2012.)
數學競賽 ─ 是好、是壞?是樂、是苦?
(translation of the text of an invited talk at the International Mathematics Competition 2012, Taipei; published in 《數學傳播》[Mathmedia], 37(4) (2013), 46-55.)
The good, the bad and the pleasure (not pressure!) of mathematics competitions
(English translation published in Mathematics Competitions, 26(1) (2013), 41-58.)
Some reminiscences of the HKU Library
(July 2012, posted on HKU Libraries Memories at
Some more on Estermann and Pythagoras
(preprint in June, 2012; published in Mathematical Gazette, 97 (2013), 272-273.)
面積與體積 [Area and volume]
(text of a lecture given in an EDB Enrichment Seminar, March 2012.)
The Emperor's new lessons : how and why did Emperor Kangxi learn Western science and mathematics?
(text of a public lecture, HKU Faculty of Science, February 17, 2012.)
《平面國》譯本弁言及再續 [Foreword to the translation of Flatland and addendum to the revised translation]
(text written in December 2011 and October 2018.)
(with Y.C. Chan)
Facing the change and meeting the challenge: Mathematics curriculum of Tongwen Guan in China in the second half of the nineteenth century
(preprint in September 2011, revised in February 2012 ─ only abstract placed here; full version published in Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik ─
The International Journal of Mathematics Education, 44(4) (2012), 457-459.)
"Zhi yi xing nan (knowing is easy and doing is difficult)" or vice versa? ─
A Chinese mathematician’s observation on HPM (History and Pedagogy of Mathematics) activities
(preprint in April 2011, revised in February 2012, published as a chapter in The First Sourcebook on Asian Research in Mathematics Education,
edited by B. Sriraman et al, Information Age Publishing, 2015, 27-48.)
1607, A Year of (Some) Significance: Translation of The First European Text in Mathematics ─ Elements ─ into Chinese
(presentation at 6th European Summer University on the History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education, July 2010, Vienna;
published in History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education: Proceedings of the 6th ESU, edited by E. Barbin et al, 2011, 573-589.)
《數學教育》十五周年引發的一些回憶 [Some reminiscences on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the magazine EduMath]
(preprint in April 2010, published in EduMath, 30 (August 2010), 5-10.)
Mathematical experience in school (notes written in April 2010.)
Some reminiscences of my undergraduate years in the HKU Faculty of Science
(text written on the occasion of the 70th Anniversary of the HKU Faculty of Science, August, 2009.)
Mathematics education in East Asia from antiquity to modern times
(text of an invited presentation at the Conference on On-going Research in the History of Mathematics Education, Gardabaer (Iceland), in June 2009;
published in Dig Where You Stand: Proceedings of a Conference on On-going Research in the History of Mathematics Education, edited by K. Bjarnadottir et al,
2009, 197-208.)
[Preface to Mathematics in Mind]
(preface of my book published by the Chiu Chang Publishing in May 2009; reprinted edition, Dalian University of Technology Press, January 2010.)
Proofs within the western and the eastern cultural traditions and implications for mathematics education
(presentation in a plenary panel, 19th ICMI Study, Taipei, May 2009; published in Proof and Proving in Mathematics Education: The 19th ICMI Study,
edited by G. Hanna et al, 2012, 431-440; Chinese translation in 《數學證明》, 2016, 170-179.)
「三心兩意」的數學教師 [Mathematics teachers with "three hearts and two minds"]
(public lecture given at the Open University of Hong Kong on March 13, 2009; collected in 《心中有數》, 2009, 71-87.)
(with N.Y. Wong)
實驗概率和理論概率的關係 — 中學數學教學如何受益於大學數學
[Relationship between empirical probability and theoretical probability — How would school mathematics teaching benefit from university mathematics?]
(preprint in October 2008, published in EduMath, 27 (December 2008), 25-33.)
[From discrete mathematics to mathematics and culture]
(invited talk at a workshop on discrete mathematics, National Chiao Tung University, Hsin Chu, Taiwan, August 12, 2008; collected in 《心中有數》, 2009, 221-244.)
The world of geometry in the classroom: virtual or real?
(Plenary talk at 5th ICDM, Crete, April 2008; published in Proceedings of 5th International Colloqium on the Didactics of Mathematics,
edited by M. Kourkoulos and C. Tzanakis, 2009, 93-112.)
Disciplinary mathematics and school mathematics: New/old wine in new/old bottle?
(Working paper of Working Group 1 in Centennial Conference of ICMI, March 2008, Rome.)
(with C.K. Leung and N.Y. Wong)
課程設計上的「古為今用」— 以「截距定理」和「中點定理」為例
["The past serving the present" in curriculum design: Using the Intercept Theorem and Midpoint Theorem as an example]
(preprint in February 2008, published in EduMath, 26 (June 2008), 3-10.)
Proof as a practice of mathematical pursuit in a cultural, socio-political and intellectual context
(preprint in February 2008; published in Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik ─
The International Journal of Mathematics Education [with a missing passage!] 40(3) (2008), 355-316; Chinese translation in 《數學證明》, 2016, 156-169.)
Course YSCN0002 Mathematics: A Cultural Heritage
(version of introduction to the course offered in 2008-2009.)
[Mr. Ou (Euclid) in China for four hundred years]
(based on a talk given on November 10, 2007 at Institute of Mathematics of Academia Sinica in Taipei; published in 《科學文化評論》 [Science & Culture Review],
4(6) (2007), 12-30; collected in 《心中有數》, 2009, 195-220.)
數學與我何干 ? [What has mathematics to do with me?] (preprint in October 2007; published in 《數學傳播》 [Mathmedia], 32(4) (2008), 30-32;
collected in 《心中有數》, 2009, 161-164.)
Mathematics: What has it to do with me? (English translation published in Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, 5(2) (2015), 90-95.)
Harmonies in Nature: A dialogue between mathematics and physics
(presentation at 5th European Summer University on the History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education, July 2007, Prague;
published in History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education: Proceedings of the 5th ESU, edited by E. Barbin et al, 2008, 115-123;
reprinted in Recent Developments on Introducing a Historical Dimension in Mathematics Education, edited by V. Katz and C. Tzanakis, MAA, 2011, 83-90.)
Eulogy of Leonhard Euler (1707 – 1783) with a Chinese translation
(text of eulogy of Euler read before his tomb at the Alexander Nevsky Monastery Cemetery in St. Petersburg on July 3, 2007.)
On the learning and teaching of tertiary algebra
(preprint in June 2007; Italian translation published in Progetto Alice, 10(29) (2009), 311-330.)
回到未來 ─ 從大學講堂回到中小學課室 [Back to the future ─ From the university lecture hall to the secondary and primary school classroom]
(published in《基礎教育學報》, 16(1) (2007), 97-114.)
The first class and the last class I taught at HKU
(slightly edited version with photos in HKU Convocation Newsletter, New Year Issue, 2006, p.43.)
"No, I don't use history of mathematics in my class. Why?"
(preprint in October 2005, based on a talk given at the HPM Satellite Conference of ICME 2004, July 2004; published in
Proceedings of HPM2004 & ESU4, ed. F. Furinghetti et al, Uppsala Universitet, 2006, 268-277.)
“不,我不在數學課堂運用數學史 。為什麼? ” (translation in Chinese of the item above; collected in 《心中有數》, 2009, 120-135.)
Mathematics in Teaching and Teaching of Mathematics (Invited talk at AMC2005, July 2005.)
Speech at the high-table dinner of the Summer Science Institute for secondary school pupils
(text of a talk given in July 2005.)
數學才華 ─ 以平常之心看待「平庸」[Mathematical Talent ─ Looking at "mediocrity" with an ordinary mind]
(Article in the house programme of Proof staged by the Hong Kong Repertory Theatre in July 2005.)
數學的傳承 ─ 井蛙學算四十年
[Heritage in mathematics ─ Four decades of study on mathematics by a 'frog at the bottom of a well']
(based on Retirement Address given on June 18, 2005; published in EduMath, 21 (December 2005), 18-26; collected in 《心中有數》, 2009, 8-19.)
Mathematics, mathematics education and the mouse
(Invited talk at 3rd ICCM, December 2004; AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics, 42 (2008), 861-874;
reprinted in Mathematical Medley, 33 (2006), 19-33.)
數學、數學教育和滑鼠 (translation in Chinese of the item above; collected in 《心中有數》, 2009, 31-49.)
Some Advice to an Undergraduate on the Study of Mathematics (Handout for first year undergraduates in mathematics, September 2004.)
Some Useful References for MATH2001 (Handout in the course on Development of Mathematical Ideas, 2004.)
(with C. Tzanakis)
History of Mathematics in Classroom Teaching ─ Appetizer? Main Course? Or Dessert?
(excerpt from an article published in Mediterranean Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 3(1-2) (2004), v–x.)
"Algorithmic Mathematics" and "Dialectic Mathematics": The "Yin" and "Yang" in mathematics education
(preprint in August 2003, text of plenary lecture at the 2nd International Conference on the Teaching of Undergraduate Mathematics, Crete, July 2002.)
Official Curriculum in Mathematics in Ancient China: How Did Candidates Study for the Examination?
(preprint in August 2003, published as a chapter in How Chinese Learn Mathematics: Perspective From Insiders, ed.
N.Y. Wong et al, World Scientific, 2004, 157-185.)
中國古代官學數學課程:考生是怎樣學習和準備考試的?(translation in Chinese of the item above in 《華人如何學習數學》, Jiangsu Educational Press, 2005, 131-150; collected in 《心中有數》, 2009, 170-194.)
Professor Y.C. Wong – Four decades as my mentor, colleague and friend
(text of a presentation at the Symposium Six Decades as a Mathematician: On the 90th Birthday of Professor Yung-Chow Wong, May 31, 2003.)
游泳和數學 [Swimming and mathematics]
(published in the students' magazine of the HKUSU Mathematics Society, 2002 and 2003; collected in 《心中有數》, 2009, 165-169.)
(with Q. Han)
On the myth of an ancient Chinese theorem about primality
(expanded text of a lecture given in the First Franco-American SMF-AMS Conference in Lyon, July 2001;
published in Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, 12(4) (2008), 941-949.)
Why Is It Difficult to Teach Abstract Algebra?
(published in Proceedings of the 12th ICMI Study Conference: The Future of the Teaching and Learning of Algebra,
ed. H. Chick et al, December 2001, 541-547.)
Learning and teaching of analysis in the mid 20th century: A semi-personal observation
(preprint in October 2000, published in One Hundred Years of L'Enseignement Mathématique: Moments of Mathematics Education in the Twentieth Century,
ed. D. Coray et al, L'Enseignement Mathématique, 2003, 179-190.)
"Less is more" or "Less is less"? : Undergraduate mathematics education in the era of mass education
(published in Themes in Education, 1(2) (2000), 163-171.)
HPM Workshop (Programme of a two-day HPM Workshop held in July 1999 at the Hong Kong University of Technology.)
Estermann and Pythagoras
(published in Mathematical Gazette, 82 (1998), 92-93.)
(with C.I. Fung, K.M. Wong, N.Y. Wong)
A dialogue on the teaching of complex numbers and beyond
(published in Mathematics Teaching, 164 (1998), 26-31.)
(with C.K. Lit and N.Y. Wong)
The use of history in the teaching of mathematics: Theory, practice, and evaluation of effectiveness
(expanded version of a report presented in the ICMI Study Conference on the Role of History of Mathematics in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics, Luminy,
April 1998; published in 《教育學報》[Education Journal], 29 (2001), 17-31.)
The ABCD of using history of mathematics in the (undergraduate) classroom
(published in Bulletin of the Hong Kong Mathematical Society, 1(1997), 143-154;
reprinted in Using History to Teach Mathematics: An International Perspective, ed. V. Katz, Mathematical Association of America, 2000, 3-9.)
On student evaluation
(letter to Editor of the HKU Bulletin, December 1997.)
Some essays on mathematics education
(published in the Education Eye 教育眼 column in the Hong Kong Economic Journal 信報, 1996.)
工夫在數外 [The essence lies outside of mathematics]
(excerpt of the text of the Inauguaral Address for the Hong Kong Association for Mathematics Education, December 1995; published in
EduMath, 2 (June 1996), 15; collected in《心中有數》, 2009, 28-30.)
An excursion in ancient Chinese mathematics
(text of a workshop planned for the HPM Satellite Conference 1995 and 2nd ESU held in Braga, Portugal, August 1995;
published in Using History To Teach Mathematics; An International Perspective edited by V. Katz, Mathematical Association of America, 2000, 159-166.)
Core curriculum = second class curriculum? Core curriculum = core syllabus?
(talk given at the Conference on Hong Kong Mathematics Education: A Time for Change? May 13, 1995, the Chinese University of Hong Kong.)
我看「大眾數學」[My view on 'Mathematics for All']
(published in 面向21世紀的中國數學教育 [Mathematics Education in China for the 21st Century], edited by S.J. Yan, Jiangsu Educational Press,
1994, 256-265; reprinted in 數學家談數學教育[Mathematicians' Views on Mathematics Education], Chiu Chang Publishing, 2000;
collected in 《心中有數》, 2009, 20-27.)
(with C.I. Fung)
Mathematics for math majors: Loss of its self-esteem
(published in Humanistic Mathematics Network [renamed as Journal of Humanistic Mathematics], 9 (1994), 28-31.)
杵臼關節、阿基米德、多面體 [Ball-and-Socket, Archimedes, Polyhedra]
(text of a public lecture given in March 1994; published in《數學傳播》[Mathmedia], 39(1) (2015), 26-38.)
Success and failure of Xu Guang-qi: Response to the first dissemination of European science in Ming China
(text of an invited presentation at the Symposium on Asian Response to the Dissemination of European Science held at the 19th International Congress of History of Science, Zaragoza (Spain), in August 1993; published in Studies in History of Medicine & Science, Vol.14, no.1-2, New Series (1995/96), 137-179.)
(with F.K. Siu and N.Y. Wong)
Changing times in mathematics education: The need of a scholar-teacher
(published in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Curriculum Changes for Chinese Communities in Southeast Asia: Challenges of the 21st century,
June (1993), CUHK, 223-226.)
Proof and pedagogy in ancient China: Examples from Liu Hui's Commentary on Jiu Zhang Suan Shu
(published in Educational Studies in Mathematics, 24 (1993), 345-357.)
Integration in finite terms: From Liouville's work to the calculus classroom of today
(text of an invited talk in August 1992 at the ICME-7; published in Vita Mathematica: Historical Research and Integration with Teaching,
edited by R. Calinger, MAA, 1996, 321-330.)
數學史和數學教育:個人的經驗和看法 [History of mathematics and mathematics education:
A personal experience and reflection] (excerpt from an article published in 《數學傳播》[Mathmedia], 16(3) (1992), 23-29;
collected in 《心中有數》, 2009, 113-119.)
(with F.K. Siu)
Why is (-) x (-) = (+) ? (published in Curriculum Forum, 2(2) (1992), 47-51.)
數學 = 證明 ? [Mathematics = Proofs ?]
(published in《數學傳播》[Mathmedia], 16(4), (1992), 50-58.)
Mathematics = Proofs ?
(English translation in Mathematical Medley, 27 (2000), 3-14; French translation in Bull. de l’Association des Prof. Math., no.434 (2001), 374-386.)
(preface to《波利亞計數定理 [Pólya’s Enumeration Theorem] 》, 1991, Hunan Educational Press; reprinted 2011, Delian University of Technology Press.)
《數學證明》的寫作經過 [Writing the book Mathematical Proofs]
(prefaces to 《數學證明》, original edition in 1990, Jiangsu Educational Press and updated edition in 2007, Chiu Chang Publishing, and in 2008/2016,
Dalian University of Technology Press.)
《1, 2, 3, … 以外》序 [Preface to 1, 2, 3, … and Beyond]
(preface to 《1, 2, 3, … 以外》, original edition in 1990, Guangdong Educational Press; revised and Hong Kong edition in 1993, Joint Publishing (HK) Company Limited;
Taiwan edition in 1994, Shulin Press.)
Concept of function ─ Its history and teaching
(preprint in June 1988; text of a lecture given in a workshop on history of mathematics and teaching in
Kristiansand; revised version published in Learn From the Masters! Proceedings of the Kristiansand Conference on History of Mathematics and Its Place in Teaching, August 1988, edited by F. Swetz et al, Mathematical Association of America, 1995, pp. 105-121.
Euler and Heuristic Reasoning
(text of a talk given in the late 1980s at the then Hong Kong Polytechnic, now the Hong Kong Polytechnic University; published in
Learn From the Masters! Proceedings of the Kristiansand Conference on History of Mathematics and Its Place in Teaching, August 1988,
edited by F. Swetz et al, Mathematical Association of America, 1995, pp. 145-160.)
Mathematical thinking and history of mathematics
(preprint in 1988; revised version published in Learn From the Masters! Proceedings of the Kristiansand Conference on History of Mathematics and Its Place in Teaching, August 1988, edited by F. Swetz et al, Mathematical Association of America, 1995, pp. 279-282.)
Eulogy of Niels Henrik Abel (1802-1829)
(text of eulogy of Abel read before his tomb at Froland on August 10, 1988.)
誰需要數學史 [Who needs history of mathematics]
(published in 《數學通報》[Bulletin on Mathematics], 4 (1987), 42-44.)
Mathematics - history - teaching triad viewed as inseparable whole
(published in Tall Timbers, No. 11, March 1985; French translation published in
Bulletin de l’Association des Professeurs de Mathématiques de l’Enseignement Public, No. 354, 1985, 309-319.)
從方程到群的故事 [The story from equations to groups]
(text of a public lecture given for the HK Science Museum in June 1983; published in Dousou Bimonthly (抖擻),
54 (1983), 58-68; collected in《1, 2, 3, … 以外》, 1993.)
數學, 數學史, 數學教師 [Mathematics, history of mathematics, and mathematics teachers]
(text of a lecture given in Northcote College of Education in May 1983; published in Dousou Bimonthly (抖擻), (1983), 67-72.)
不用微積分能計算體積嗎? [Can we calculate volume without using calculus?]
(text of a public lecture given for the HK Mathematical Society in February 1983; published in Dousou Bimonthly (抖擻),
54 (1983), 58-68; collected in《1, 2, 3, … 以外》, 1993.)
先乘除後加減和先加減後乘除 [Multiply/divide before add/subtract or vice versa]
(published in the long-defunct local magazine 數學教學季刊[Mathematics Teaching Quarterly], 3 (1982), 2-3.)
微積分的故事 [The story of calculus] (text of a public lecture given for the HK Science Museum in March 1982; published in Dousou Bimonthly (抖擻),
49 (1982), 68-76; collected in《1, 2, 3, … 以外》, 1993.)
The story of calculus (English translation of the text above published in Mathematical Medley, 23 (1996), 28-32 and 51-55.)
(with K. Lam)
《概率萬花筒》序言 (prefaces to《概率萬花筒 [Kaleidoscope in Probability]》, 1982, Wide Angle Press; reprinted with corrections 2007, Hong Kong Statistical Society; revised edition 2010, Mathematics Education Section, Education Bureau of the HKSAR.)
Pyramid, pile, and sum of squares
(published in Historia Mathematica, 8 (1981), 61-66.)
(with F.K. Siu)
Volume: Some historical perspectives ― (2) Hilbert and a Chinese view
(published in Mathematical Gazette, 65 (1981), 265-271.)
(with N.K. Tsing)
1, 2, 3, … 以外 ─ 一點數學普及工作的經驗 [1, 2, 3, ..., and Beyond — An experience in popularization of mathemataics]
(preprint in September 1980; published in Dousou Bimonthly (抖擻), 42 (1981), 69-74.)
(with N.K. Tsing)
You are living in a world of mathematics
(English translation published in International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science & Technology, 15 (1984), 47-52.)
數學 ─ 科學的語言? [Mathematics — Language of Science?]
(text of a public lecture given for the HKUSU Science Society in December 1980;
published in《數學傳播》[Mathmedia], 9(4), (1985), 50-58; collected in《1, 2, 3, … 以外》, 1993.)
對數和指數是孿生子嗎? [Logarithm and exponentiation ― Are they twins?]
(text of a lecture given in a local school in November 1980; collected in《1, 2, 3, … 以外》, 1993.)
(with F.K. Chan and S.C. Chow)
對國內中學數學教學大綱的一些意見 ─ 兼談數學教育之目的
[Some views on the mathematics curriculum outline of mainland China ─ also on the aims of mathematics education, published in Dousou Bimonthly (抖擻),
38 (1980 May), 76-83.]
(prefaces to《為什麼要學習數學? [Why Do We Study Mathematics?]》, 1978, Student Times Publishing; reprinted 1992, Hong Kong New Generation Cultural Association; revised edition 1995, Chiu Chang Publishing.)
Mathematics for math-haters
(published in International Journal for Mathematical Education in Science & Technology, 8(1) (1977), 17-21.)
數學發展史給我們的啟發 [Implications and inspirations from the history of mathematics]
(text of a lecture given in June 1976; published in Dousou Bimonthly (抖擻), 17 (September 1976), 46-53.)
Last updated: June 15, 2021