[1] | Vector algebra and line geometry, (in Chinese), Sci. J., Sun Yat-Sen Univ. (1935). |
[2] | On the Frenet formulae for a Vm in a Vn, Quart. J. Math., Oxford Ser. 11(1940), 146-100. MR(Struik) 2-20. |
[3] | On a certain matrix occurring in the theory of helices, J. London Math. Soc. 15(1940), 168-172. MR(Struik) 2-164. |
[4] | On the principal directions of a tensor, J. London Math. Soc. 15(1940), 175-182. MR(Struik) 2-164. |
[5] | On two linear vector spaces associated with a vector in an Ln, Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc.(2) 6(1940), 172-175. MR(Struik) 2-166. |
[6] | Generalized helices in an ordinary Vn, Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 37(1941), 14-28. MR(Sbrudk) 2-302. |
[7] | On the generalized helices of Hayden and Syptak in an n-space, Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 37(1941),229-243. MR(Grove) 3-18. |
[8] | Some properties of the triangle, Amer. Math . Monthly, 48(1941), 530-535. MR 3-85 (Reference listed but no review of paper). |
[9] | A note on complementary subspaces in a Riemannian space, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 49(1943), 120-125. MR(Struik) 4-258. |
[10] | Family of totally umbilical hypersurfaces in an Einstein space, Ann. of Math. 44(1943), 271-297. MR(Struik) 4-258. |
[11] | Some Einstein spaces with conformally separable fundamental tensors, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 53(1943), 157-194. MR(Struik) 4-258. |
[12] | Quasi-orthogonal ennuple of congruences in a Riemannian space, Ann. of Math. 46(1945), 158-173. MR(Grove) 6-188. |
[13] | A note on the first normal space of a Vm in an Rn, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 51(1945), 997-1000. MR(Struik) 7-482. |
[14] | Scale hypersurfaces for conformal-Euclidean space, Amer. J. Math. 68(1946) 263-272. MR(De Cicco) 7-482. |
[15] | Contributions to the theory of surfaces in a 4-space of constant curvature, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 59( 1946), 467-507. MR (Lichnerowicz) 7-529. |
[16] | Some theorem on an Einstein 4-space, Duke Math. J. 13(1946),001-610. MR(Fialkow) 8-351. |
[17] | On a generalized equiangular spiral, Sci. J. (new series), Sun Yat-Sen Univ. 1(1948), 1-7. |
[18] | Fields of isocline tangent planes along a curve in a Euclidean 4-space, Tohoku Math. J. 2nd series, 3(1951), 322, 239. MR(Lichnerowicz) 14-85. |
[19] | A new curvature theory for surfaces in a Euclidean 4-space, Comment. Math. Helv. 26(1952), 152-170. MR(Allendoerfer) 14-583. |
[20] | A class of non-Riemannian K *-spaces, Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 3(1953), 118-128. MR(A.G.Walker) 15-254. |
[21] | Fields of parallel planes in affinely connected spaces, Quart. J. Math. Oxford (2), 4(1953), 241-253. MR(A.G. Walker) 15-899. |
[22] | A note on Levine's papers: `Fields of parallel vectors in projectively flat spaces', Duke Math. J. 20(1953), 119-126. MR(Hlavaty) 14-688. |
[23] | Subflat affinely connected spaces, Proc. International Mathematical Congress, Amsterdam, Sept., 1954, Vol. 2, 266-267. |
[24] | A theorem in plane geometry, Spectrum, University of Hong Kong (1957), (in Chinese). |
[25] | Clifford parallels in elliptic (2n-1)-space and isoclinic n-planes in Euclidean 2n-space, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 66(1960),289-293. MR22 #8430. |
[26] | Projectively flat spaces with recurrent curvature (with K. Yano), Comment. Math. Helv. 35(1961), 223-232. MR23, #A2162. |
[27] | Recurrent tensors on a linearly connected differentiable manifold, Trans. Math. Soc. 99(1961), 325-341. MR22, # 12485. |
[28] | Isoclinic n-planes in Euclidean 2n-space, Clifford parallels in elliptic (2n-1)-space, and the Hurwiz matrix equations, Amer. Math. Soc. Memoir No. 41, 112 pages(1961), 2nd printing with corrections and minor changes, 118 pages(1971) MR26, #2968, MR52, #4192. |
[29] | Linear connections and quasi-connections on a differentiable manifold, Tohoku Math. J. 2nd series 14(1962), 48-63. MR25, #2547. |
[30] | Linear connexions with zero torsion and recurrent curvature, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 102(1962), 471-506. MR24, #A3601. |
[31] | A global formulation of the condition for a curve to lie in a sphere, Monatsh Math. 67(1963), 363-365. MR27, #5173. |
[32] | Two dimensional linear connexions with zero torsion and recurrent curvature, Monatsh Math. 68(1964), 176-184. MR30, #4221(Yano). |
[33] | Existence of linear connections with respect to which given tensor fields are parallel or recurrent, Nagoya Math. J. 24(1964), 67-108. MR 30, #4222. (A. Geotz. Wroclaw). |
[34] | A critical examination of the theory of curves in three dimensional differential geometry (with Hon-Fei Lai), Tohoku Math. J. 2nd Ser. 19(1967), 1- 31. MR 35, #4825 (D. Laugwitz (Darmstadt)). |
[35] | Differential geometry of Grassmann manifolds, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 57(1967), 589-594. MR 35, #7266 (K. Nomizu (Providence, R.I.)). |
[36] | An elementary and simple proof of the connectedness of the classical groups (with Yik-Hoi Au-Yeung), Amer. Math. Monthly, 74(1967), 964-966. MR 36, # 5261 (J.G. Home) (Athens, Ga.)). |
[37] | On H. S. Ruse's theorems concerning parallel fields of planes on a Riemannian space with indefinite metric, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 18(1967), 892-897. MR35, #6099 (A.G. Walker (Liverpool)). |
[38] | Conjugate loci in Grassmann manifolds, Bull, Amer. Math. Soc. 74(1968) , 240-245. MR36, #3285 (K. Nomizu (Providence, R.I.)). |
[39] | Some extensions of the Douglas-Neumann theorem for concentric polygons, Amer. Math. Monthly, 75(1968), 470-482. M37 #5766 (H. Busemann (Los Angeles, Calif.)). |
[40] | Sectional curvatures of Grassmann manifolds, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 60(1968), 75-79. MR37 #4747 (R.L. Bishop (Urbana, Ill.)). |
[41] | Euclidean n-planes in pseudo-Euclidean spaces and differential geometry of Cartan domains, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 75(1969), 409-414. MR40, #4882 (S. Murakami (Osaka)). |
[42] | On a class of Schubert varieties, J. of Differential Geometry (1) 4(1970), 37-51. MR41, #9297 (R.L. Bishop (Urbana, Ill.)). |
[43] | On the lengths and the numbers of congruence classes of closed geodesics in Grassmann manifolds (with S.H. Young), Tohoku Math. J., (4)22 (Dec. 1970), 604-612. MR43, #6944 (R.L. Bishop (Urbana, Ill.)). |
[44] | Frenet formulas for curves in real, complex and quaternionic euclidean spaces, Differential Geometry-In Honour of Kentaro Yano, Kinokuniya Co., Tokyo (1972), 525-541. MR 50, #14529, ZB 245, #53002 (author) (from author) 236, #53004, ZB 258, # 53004. |
[45] | On an Explicit Characterization of Spherical Curves, Proc. of the Amer. Math. Soc., 34(1972), 239-242. MR 45, #4292, M 47, #964 (Erratum). |
[46] | A theorem on affinely connected spaces admitting parallel vector field and parallel 1-forms, forms, Tensor 26(1972), 373-389. (Commemoration Vol. III for Professor Akitsugu Kawaguchi). MR 49, # 1359, ZB 267, # 53006 (K.L. Duggal). |
[47] | Connections and M-tensors on the tangent bundle TM (With K. P. Mok) Topics in Differential Geometry, pp. 157-172, edited by H. Rund and W. F. Forbes, Academic Press (1976). MR 53, # 11532 (F. Brickell), ZB 335, # 53020 (E. Hell). |
[48] | Structures of symmetric tensors of type (0,2) and tensors of type (1,1) on the tangent bundle, (with K. P. Mok and E. M. Patterson), Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 234 (1977), 253-278. ZB 334, # 53039 (The Authors). |
[49] | Linear Geometry in Euclidean 4-space, Southeast Asian Mathematical Society Monograph No.1 (1977), 217. |
[50] | Geometry of n-Planes in Euclidean and Pseudo-Euclidean Spaces and Differential Geometry of Grassmann Manifolds and Cartan Domain (a monograph with an Appendix. By Joseph A. Wolf), unpublished. |
[51] | Some views on geometry courses in school and university, Proceedings of the First Southeast Asian Conference on Mathematical Education, May 29-June 2, 1978-Mathematics in the Philippines, No.3(1979), 156-162. |
[52] | A strong converse of Morley's trisector theorem (with K.M. Tsang), American Mathematical Monthly, 89( 1982), 642-653. |
[53] | Isoclinic n-planes in R2n and the Hopf-Steenrod sphere bundles S2n-1 --> Sn, n=2,4,8 (with K. P. Mok) , L'Enseignment Mathematique, 34(1988), 167-204. |
[54] | Normally related n-planes and isoclinic n-planes in R2n and strongly independent matrices of order n (with K. P. Mok), Linear Algebra and its Applications, 139(1990), 31-52. |
[55] | My Early Life, 1913-1948, Five Decades as a Mathematician and Educator, pp.1-12, edited by Kai-Yuen Chan and Ming-Chit Liu, and published by World Scientific, Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong, 1995. |