
Morning Session                                         Chaired by Jie-Tai Yu
9:25am Opening Remarks
Man-Keung Siu, Head
Department of Mathematics, The University of Hong Kong
9:30 – 10:20am Efim I. Zelmanov, Yale University and The University of Hong Kong
Jordan superalgebras and their representations
10:30 – 11:20am Xiaoping Xu, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Moduli structure space of certain nongraded simple Lie algebras
Tea Break
11:40 – 12:30am Shangzhi Li, The University of Science and Technology of China
Subgroup structure of classical groups
Lunch Break

Afternoon Session                          Chaired by Efim I. Zelmanov
2:30 – 3:20pm Alexei Belov, Moscow Center of Youth Science and Technology
Specht problem and noncommutative algebraic geometry
3:30 – 4:20pm A.A. Mikhalev, Moscow State University
Primitive, Generic, Almost Primitive, and Test Elements of Free Lie Algebras
Tea Break
4:40 – 5:30pm Aner Shalev, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Residual properties of the modular group and other free products
5:35pm Closing Remarks
Ngaiming Mok, Director
Institute of Mathematical Research, The University of Hong Kong