Homepage of Prof. Xiaoming Yuan

Xiaoming Yuan
Department of Mathematics
The University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Email: xmyuan [AT] hku.hk

Research Interests:

  1. Numerical Optimization
  2. Cloud Computing / Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence
  3. Optimal Control
  4. Scientific Computing
My research has been mainly supported by General Research Fund grants from Hong Kong Research Grants Council since 2009; see the list of grants.

Publications: Selected papers since 2010 can be found here, more research details can be found at [Google Scholar Citation].

I am serving as an associate editor or editorial board member for the following journals: Computational Optimization and Applications, Set-Valued and Variational Analysis, ESAIM: Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations, Journal of the Operations Research Society of China, Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Method and Applications, International Journal of Computer Mathematics.

In Spring 2021, I am teaching Math 6503/7503/8503, Topics in Mathematical Programming and Optimization.
Office Hour: 3:00-6:00 pm every Thursday or by appointment