Algebraic Groups and Representation Theory
A Conference in Memory of Tonny A. Springer
January 4-9, 2013
Department of Mathematics
The Hong Kong University of
Science and Technology
Institute of Mathematical Research
Department of Mathematics
The University of Hong Kong
Organizing committee
- Michel Brion (Institut Fourier, France)
- Xuhua He (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong)
- Wilberd van der Kallen (Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands)
- Gus Lehrer (University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia)
- Jiang-Hua Lu (University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
- George Lusztig (MIT, Boston, USA)
- Allen Moy (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong)
- Eric Opdam (University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands)