Past Seminars and Workshops (2000 - 2001)
Conference on Combinatorial and Computational Algebra
Workshop on Matrix Computations
Conference on Combinatorial Algebra
Workshop in Algebraic Geometry
Workshop on Computational
Methods for ODEs (HKODEW)
Workshop on Mathematics in
Image Processing
· Holomorphic Curves in Symplectic
Topology by Professor Yakov Eliashberg
· Topics on Analytic Theory of Automorphic Forms by Professor
Wenzhi Luo
· L-functions for GL_n by
Professor James W. Cogdell
· Stringy Geometry and Topology of Orbifolds by Professor Yongbin
· Singular Unitary Representations and Applications by Professor
Jian-Shu Li
· Introduction to the Cohomology
of Arithmetic Groups by Professor Armand Borel
· Introduction to Symplectic and Poisson
Geometry by Professor Jiang-Hua Lu
· A Geometric Construction of Algebras by
Professor Hiraku Nakajima
Lecture notes:
Valuation and exercise
boundaries of American barrier and lookback options by Prof. Tze Leung Lai
Chow Forms and
Resultants, Old and New by Prof. David Eisenbud
On Families
of Projective Manifolds by Professor K. Zuo
On 2-D Incompressible Singular
Flows by Professor Z. Xin
Bounds on Exponential
Sums by Professor T. Cochrane
SYZ-Conjecture for
hyperkählerian manifolds of dimension 4 by Professor A. Todorov
Geometry and Analysis Seminar
Mean Value Conjecture and the Hyperbolic Metric by Dr. T.W. Ng
Pfaffian Systems in Control
and Robotics by Mr. C.W. Wong
On Fano Manifold with
Numerically Effective Tangent Bundle (Lecture I-V) by Professor N. Mok
On Families of Projective
Manifolds II by Professor K. Zuo
Convex Mappings in Several
Complex Variables by Professor S. Gong
Iteration of Rational
Functions by Dr. T.W. Ng
Iteration of Rational
Functions II - V by Dr. T.W. Ng
Algebra Seminar
modified: September 26, 2001