Cluster algebra, Representation theory and Algebraic geometry

Mini Courses

The following mini courses will be organized. The venue is Room 210, Run Run Shaw Building, Main Campus, The University of Hong Kong.

Date: September 11-15
Time: 9:45am - 10:45am
Speaker: Bernhard Keller
Affiliation: Université Paris Cité

Title: Additive categorification of cluster algebras with coefficients

Abstract: This lecture series is devoted to the construction of additive categorificiations of cluster algebras. After presenting additive categorification via cluster categories in the coefficient-free case, we will consider examples of Frobenius categorifications following Geiss-Leclerc-Schroeer (unipotent cells) and Jensen-King-Su (Grassmannians and positroids). We will then introduce the general framework of Higgs categories as developed by Yilin Wu. We will illustrate his constructions with examples from Goncharov-Shen's work, in particular the "basic triangle", which is the fundamental building block in their approach to higher Teichmueller theory. This material is taken from Miantao Liu's ongoing Ph. D. thesis.

Date: September 11-15
Time: 11:00am - 12:00noon
Speaker: Bernard Leclerc
Affiliation: CNRS Caen

Title: Monoidal categorification of cluster algebras

Abstract: A monoidal categorification of a cluster algebra A is a categorification of A via a monoidal category (in contrast to the more classical and fully developed approach involving additive 2-Calabi-Yau categories and quiver representations). After explaining the basic definitions, I will present the main examples coming from representation theory of affine Hecke algebras, quiver Hecke algebras and quantum affine algebras.

Date: September 25,26,28
Time: 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Speaker: Bernhard Keller
Affiliation: Université Paris Cité

Title: An introduction to relative Calabi-Yau structures

Abstract: Relative Calabi-Yau structures were first hinted at in a survey by Toën in 2014. Later, the theory was fully developed by Brav-Dyckerhoff in a paper from 2019. In this minicourse, we will first present the definition of left and right relative Calabi-Yau structures following Brav-Dyckerhoff and illustrate it on examples from algebraic geometry and cluster theory. We will then explain Brav-Dyckerhoff's gluing theorem and discuss its links to Fock-Goncharov's amalgamation construction. Finally, we will sketch Bozec-Calaque-Scherotzke's theorem linking relative Calabi-Yau completions to derived conormal bundles.