Preprint Series 2017
By IMR2017: # |
Title |
Mok, N. |
Full cones swept out
by minimal rational curves on irreducible Hermitian symmetric spaces as
examples of varieties underlying geometric substructures |
Mok, N. |
Zariski Closures of
Images of Algebraic Subsets under the Uniformization
Map on Finite-Volume Quotients of the Complex Unit Ball |
Han, G. (with Liu, X.) |
On Continuous-Time
Gaussian Channels |
Zang, W. (with Chen, X., Ding, G. & Zhao, Q.) |
Ranking Tournaments
with No Errors |
Huang, D. & Song, J. |
Some results on
optimal stopping problems for one-dimensional regular diffusions |
Lau, Y.-K., Ng, M.H. (with Wang, Y.) |
Statistics of Hecke Eigenvalues for GL(n) |
Lau, Y.-K (with Wang, Y.) |
Absolute Values of L-Functions for GL(N, R) at the Point 1 |
Ng, T.W. (with Wu, C.F.) |
Nonlinear Loewy Factorizable Algebraic Odes and Hayman’s Conjecture |
Conte, R. |
Generalized Bonnet surfaces and Lax pairs of PVI |
Preprint Series 2016
By IMR2016: # |
Title |
Chan, S.T. |
Classification Problem
of Holomorphic Isometries of the Unit Disk into Polydisks |
Chan, S.T. & Mok,
N. |
Holomorphic isometries
of Bm into bounded symmetric domains arise from
linear sections of minimal embeddings of their
compact duals |
Young, M.B. |
Representations of cohomological Hall algebras and Donaldson-Thomas theory
with classical structure groups |
Lau, Y.-K. (with Liu,
J. & Wu, J.) |
Local Behavior of
Arithmetical Functions with Applications to Automorphic L-Functions |
Lau, Y.-K. (with Jiang, Y.-J., Lü, G.-S., Royer, E. & Wu, J.) |
On Fourier
Coefficients of Modular Forms of Half Integral Weight at Squarefree
Integers |
Song, J. (with Balan,
R.M.) |
Hyperbolic Anderson
Model with space-time homogeneous Gaussian noise |
Song, J. (with Chan, X., Hu, Y. & Song, X.) |
Temporal asymptotics for fractional parabolic Anderson model |
Han, G. & Li, Y. |
of Input-Constrained Erasure Channel Capacity |
Han, G. (with Kavčić,
A. & Li, Y.) |
Capacity of Multilevel
NAND Flash Memory Channels |
Young, M.B. (with Franzen,
H.) |
Cohomological Orientifold Donaldson-Thomas Invariants as Chow Groups |
Zang, W. (with Ding, G. & Zhao, Q.) |
On Box-Perfect Graphs |
Ng, T.W. (with Lau, P.S. & Tsing, N.K.) |
The star-shapedness of a generalized numerical range |
Ng, T.W. (with Lau, P.S. & Tsing, N.K.) |
Convexity and Star-shapedness of Real Linear Images of Special Orthogonal
Orbits |
Ng, T.W. (with Zhang, Y.) |
Smale’s mean value conjecture
for finite Blaschke products |
Mok, N. (with Ng, S.-C.) |
On compact splitting
complex submanifolds of quotients of bounded
symmetric domains |
Ng, T.W. (with Yeung, S.K.) |
Entire holomorphic curves on a Fermat surface of low degree |
Lau, Y.-K. (with Wang,
Y. & Zhang, D.) |
Remark on The Paper
“On Products Of Fourier Coefficients Of Cusp Forms” |
modified: Oct 24, 2017