- Frontiers of Mathematics Lecture - Combinatorics of the amplituhedron
- Frontiers of Mathematics Lecture - Control and Machine Learning
- Frontiers of Mathematics Lecture - Integral models with nonlocal operators: applications and recent development
- Number Theory Seminar - Modular polynomials and Hecke points
- Computational Mathematics Seminar - Stochastic Modeling and Statistical Inference for Advancing Biomedical Insights
- Qualifying Research Seminar - Some Results on Online Portfolio Selection and the Construction of Sparse Probabilistic Boolean Networks
- Qualifying Research Seminar - Time Series Forecasting Based Online Portfolio Optimization with Risk Control
- Number Theory Seminar - On sign changes of Fourier coefficients of quotients of the Dedekind eta function
- HKU Number Theory Days 2024 on June 25-28, 2024
- Number Theory Seminar - Teaching and Research in Number Theory, my personal experience
- Qualifying Research Seminar - Cluster structures via Poisson CGLs
- Number Theory Seminar - Strong asymptotic of plane overpartitions
- Number Theory Seminar - Central L-values of the cuspidal Asai lifts
- Number Theory Seminar - On some classical and new number theory problems
- Number Theory Seminar - Existence of Fixed vector under Principal Congruence Subgroups of GL(n)
- Number Theory Seminar - On the exceptional sets of integral quadratic forms
- HKU-SJTU Workshop
- HKU-SUSTech Joint Meeting in Mathematics, Spring 2024
- Departmental Seminar - Group invariant machine learning on pure maths datasets
- Representation Theory and Number Theory Conference
- Representation Theory Seminar - Informal seminar on canonical basis
- Representation Theory Seminar - Informal seminar on canonical basis
- Number Theory Seminar - Gap Principle of Divisibility Sequences of Polynomials
- HKU-CUHK joint RANT (representation and number theory) - Hecke action on Eisenstein series for pair of pants
- Representation Theory Seminar - Informal seminar on canonical basis
- Representation Theory and Number Theory (RANT) Postdoc Workshop
- Representation Theory Seminar - Informal seminar on canonical basis
- Representation Theory Seminar - Informal seminar on canonical basis
- Number Theory Seminar - Spectral gap in subgroups of SLd (ℤ/nℤ)
- Representation Theory Seminar - Hecke categories and positive depth representations of loop group
- Number Theory Seminar - Hasse principle for function fields of p-adic curves
- Number Theory Seminar - Pencils of quadrics and Brauer groups of hyperelliptic curves
- HKU Number Theory Days 2023 on June 26-30, 2023
- Number Theory Seminar - Quadratic forms and field invariants
- Number Theory seminar - Classification of irreducible unitary representations of Spin(2n,C)
- Number Theory Seminar - The Grothendieck-Serre conjecture for constant reductive group schemes
- Number Theory Seminar - Pseudorandomness of Sato-Tate Distributions for Elliptic Curves
- Number Theory Seminar - Discrete Time Simulation of Sequence of Independent Wiener Processes
- Number Theory Seminar - Pseudorandom Vectors Generation Using Elliptic Curves Over Finite Fields
- Number Theory Seminar - Sum product phenomenon and super approximation
- Number Theory Seminar - On fine Selmer group
- Number Theory Seminar - Hecke orbits on Shimura varieties [Amended]
- Number Theory Seminar - Complex hyperbolicity of subvarieties
- Number Theory Seminar - On CM points away from the Torelli locus [Change of Date & Venue]
- HKU Number Theory Days 2022 on July 21, 22 & 25, 2022
- HKU Number Theory Days 2022 on July 21, 22 & 25, 2022
- Frontiers of Mathematics Lecture: A Number Theorist's Adventures in the Land of Spectral Theory
- HKU Number Theory Days 2022 on July 21, 22 & 25, 2022
- Number Theory Seminar - Oscillations in the sequence of Fourier coefficients of a modular form
- Number Theory Seminar - Special L-values and Ternary Quadratic Forms
- Number Theory Seminar - Extensions of vector bundles on the Fargues-Fontaine curve
- Number Theory Seminar - On the Universal Sums of Generalized Heptagonal Numbers
- Number Theory Seminar - The algebraic parts of the central values of quadratic twists of modular L-functions modulo a prime ideal
- Number Theory Seminar - Windings of closed geodesics
- Number Theory Seminar - A spectral theory approach to the Apollonian counting problem
- Number Theory Seminar - Khintchine’s theorem on manifolds
- Number Theory Seminar - Diophantine approximation with congruence conditions
- Number Theory Seminar - Rationality of a generating series from the affine Springer fibers
- Number Theory Seminar - Quadratic Twist of X0(14)
- Number Theory Seminar - The lattice point counting problem for (2q+1)-dimensional Cygan-Koranyi balls
- Number Theory Seminar - Breuil-Kisin modules and integral p-adic Hodge theory
- Number Theory Seminar - The local non-tempered Gan--Gross--Prasad conjecture for general linear groups
- Frontiers of Mathematics Lectures: Geometry and Arithmetic of Sphere Packings
- HKU Number Theory Days 2021 on July 21 - 23 & 26 - 27, 2021
- HKU Number Theory Days 2021 on July 21 - 23 & 26 - 27, 2021
- HKU Number Theory Days 2021 on July 21 - 23 & 26 - 27, 2021
- HKU Number Theory Days 2021 on July 21 - 23 & 26 - 27, 2021
- The 4th Sino-Russian Conference in Mathematics on October 15 - 19, 2018
- 2018 HKU Number Theory Days on July 16 - 23, 2018
- Number Theory and its connections with Random Matrices and Extreme Values on April 19 - 21, 2018
- Aspects of Automorphic Forms and Applications on July 10 - 12, 2017
- Workshop on Random Matrices on June 16, 2017